感恩 Thanksgiving




The 2023 Macedonia Hua Ou (Chinese and European) Mission Conference was successfully concluded, with representatives from 17 countries and regions participating (five representatives from the 18th country, Romania, could not obtain visas, so they could only share online). Under the leadership of God, the messages, vision sharing and testimonies of the speakers were enlightening and powerful. Participants learn about God's miraculous work in multicultural groups, especially among Eastern European ethnic groups. This also spurs us to pay more attention to the Balkan Peninsula, the poorest and suffering region in Europe. Among them, North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Serbia are the most concerned regions this time.

Before the meeting, a team started to journey through Paul’s footsteps from Athens ; after the meeting, a team visited three cities in Macedonia for two days of mission survey; the other team went to three countries for short-term missions and to explore partnerships.

The ministries that were triggered during the conference were quite tangible, including the extension of theological education, the sending of missionaries, the planning of short-term missions in the future, the implementation of European youth and second-generation ministry, the application of new media, church planting, purchase of church building, support poor pastors’ families, etc. These follow up action plan were adopted respectively by the participants.

Many leaders at the conference deeply felt that this was a major breakthrough in the actions of Chinese churches engaging Eastern European cross-culturally. The conference and actions followed after it will be written into the history of Chinese world mission efforts. This will rewrite the history of missionary cooperation between Chinese churches and Eastern European nations. We also pray that this ministry will continue to develop and become another legend of the Macedonian call in this era. This is also the testimony of the Chinese church’s obedience to the Great Commission.

By Dr John Ong, in Macedonia on April 1, 2023


29/3(三 Wed)

1430-1700 开幕礼 Opening Ceremony (点击 Click)

1700-1800 小休 Rest

1800-1930 晚餐 Dinner

1930-2130 主题信息 Theme Talk(点击 Click)

30/3(四 Thu)

0700-0830 早餐 Breakfast

0830-1000 查经及异象分享 Bible Study & Vision Casting(点击 Click)

1000-1030 茶点 Tea Break

1030-1230 主题信息 Theme Talk(点击 Click)


1230-1430 午餐 Lunch

1430-1710 专题1 Workshop 1(点击 Click)

专题2 Workshop 2(点击 Click)

1710-1800 小休 Rest

1800-1930 晚餐 Dinner

1930-2130 伙伴合作论坛 Partnership & Forum(点击 Click)

31/3 (五Fri)

0700-0830 早餐 Breakfast

0830-1000 查经及异象分享 Bible Study & Vision Casting(点击 Click)

1000-1030 茶点 Tea Break

1030-1230 闭幕礼Closing Ceremony(点击 Click)

1230-1400 午餐 Lunch


Report of the 1st-3rd Hua Ou Missions Conference

(下载 Download PDF)
